by 6415 km of international border, and northwest Alaska. The country stretches from the Atlantic and Davis Strait east to the Pacific Ocean in the west (hence the national motto). To the north lie the Beaufort Sea and Arctic Ocean. In 1925 Canada claims the portion of the Arctic between 60 degrees west longitude and 141 degrees west longitude, so Canada's territorial claim extends to the North Pole.
Canada is the second largest country in the world after Russia net area, covering approximately 41% of North America. In land area is the fourth largest country in the world after Russia, China and the United States. However it has a population density of 3.2 people extremely low per square kilometer. 80% of Canadians live within 200 km of the United States along the international border, where the warmer climates of the country. While Canada covers a larger geographic area than its neighbor, has only a ninth of its total population. The vast and rich territories in Canada have led to economic dependence on natural resources.
Monte Yamnuska
The most densely populated country is the San Lorenzo River valley to the east. To the north of this region is the Canadian Shield, an area of rock eroded by the last ice age, the thin soil, rich in minerals and covered with lakes and rivers - more than 60% of the world's lakes are in Canada. The Canadian Shield around the great Hudson Bay.
The Canadian Shield extends to the Atlantic coast in Labrador, the mainland of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The island of Newfoundland, the easternmost of Canada, is the mouth of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the largest estuary in the world. The Maritime Provinces of Canada, the first region to be settled by Europeans, projecting eastward from the southern coast of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, middle of the gulf between north and south Atlantic Ocean. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are divided by the Bay of Fundy, an arm of the Atlantic which experiences the most pronounced tidal variations in the world.
West of Ontario, the broad, flat Canadian Prairies, covering Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, spread toward the Rocky Mountains, which divide the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. British Columbia south has a temperate climate with winters more attenuated than in the rest of the country.
The vegetation of northern Canada extends from coniferous forests to tundra and finally the barren Arctic north. The northern Canadian mainland is surrounded by a vast archipelago containing some of the largest islands on Earth.

Vista nocturna de las cataratas del Niágara 
Canada has a reputation for cold country. Indeed, the winters can be harsh in many regions of the country, with risks of blizzards, ice storms and temperatures below -50 ° C in the far north. In the most densely populated among temperate summers to hot tops reaching above 30 ° C in Montreal and 15 ° C even in Iqaluit, Nunavut. In Vancouver, temperatures are generally stable at around 5-25 ° C throughout the year, while in Calgary can drop to -30 ° C in winter and reach 30 ° C in summer. In the Great Lakes region, the most populous area, temperatures range from -30 ° C and 35 ° C.